Better Cotton is cotton grown in a way that aims to reduce the stress on the local environment and improve the livelihoods and welfare of farming communities. Better Cotton represents a new globally recognised standard for more sustainable cotton production.
BCI is a multi-stakeholder initiative – from producer to retailer – who have decided to act together to reduce the damaging environmental and social consequences of cotton production and make the sector’s future more secure. BCI is about helping farmers to transform farming practices in ways that reduce stress on the local environment and improve the livelihoods of farming communities. BCI wants to show farmers that it makes business sense to reduce pesticide usage, to manage water better, to improve soil health and the welfare of farm workers.
Orta is representing the suppliers & manufacturers’ membership category on BCI Council since 2011. Orta has been investing in the establishment of Better Cotton programs in Turkey as well.
Being part of its sustainable philosophy, Orta supports BCI on a global and national basis by using 5% “Better Cotton” within its total cotton consumption.